Sales Lead Management

Open Leads is a totally web-based program designed to help companies capture and manage leads from all sources, including websites, e-mail campaigns, call centers, and walk-in traffic.

Open Leads is simple to use, with an elegant and intuitive interface and logic-driven actions; and it’s even easier to incorporate into your sales process, no matter what kind of business you’re in. It’s also powerful, with mass email capabilities, custom filters, autoresponders, and intelligent workflow management, among a host of other features.

Open Leads keeps all your data at your fingertips, accessible from anywhere, with any web-enabled device. And it keeps your sales on track. Mass email campaigns are a couple of mouse clicks away. Autoresponders keep you in touch with your new leads, any time, or all the time.


Features at a Glance

Lead Assignment
Automatically assign leads to a specific sales person, multiple sales people or to sales personnel based upon a rotating “ups” system.

History and Comments
Monitor the sales progress with time and author stamped commenting system, history of  emails sent, work flows and attachments.

Types and Categories
Create unlimited types and categories of leads such as “Hot Prospects”, “Buying within 30 Days” and more. These can be assigned manually or automatically based upon work flow and actions done to that lead.

Extensive Permissions system gives you the ability to allow complete access to your leads by your employees or very limited access and all permission levels in between.

Create Custom Fields
Create as many custom fields as you need. These custom fields can be tied to web-based forms on your website so when someone completes a form on your website, the data is automatically entered into your Open Leads account.

Forms Wizard
Create a custom HTML form to be used on your website. You can make it dynamics so that any changes you make like adding a fields automatically updates on your website, instantaneously.  You no longer have to wait on your “web guy” to update your website forms.

Mass Email Campaigns
Create Mass Mail Campaign with HTML and attachments. You can even customize the mail outs with “Tokens” (see below). Send an email to thousands of clients with the push of a button. All emails are stored with that clients record. If you use HTML in your email or Newsletters, Open Leads can track your campaign and let you know how many viewers clicked and read your message and how many never received it.

Tickler System and Task
Automatic reminders using set-and-forget “Tickler” system. Set a task and Open Leads will automatically remind you. Need to call back a client in 6 months? Open Leads will remind you on the day you need to call. You can even set a task automatically, for example, “Initial phone call to client” and Open Leads will tell you how long it took to complete that task.

CSV Import and Export
Comma-Separated-Values import and export of any leads that you need to move into or out of Open Leads. Basically if you can get your leads into Excel you can get them into Open Leads. This is permission based so only user with permission can import and export.

Custom workflow with branching
Work flow is nothing more than what steps you need to take for each lead coming in. For example, one of the first thing that needs to happen is firing off an auto-responder for any lead coming in through a web form. Open Leads will automatically do that and then label that lead a “New Inquiry” or “Hot Prospect” or whatever you want it to do.  Branching is when Open Leads ask you a question about a lead. Answering “Yes” to this question triggers one new workflow tasks; answering “No” triggers another. Example, ‘Is this customer purchasing within 30 days?’ Yes sets off an “Expedite” workflow containng tasks such as immediate contact responders and reminders whereas a “No” might label that prospect a “Warm” lead for follow up later on or assignment to another user. The possibilities are endless.

Message Library
You can now store HTML Newsletters, Auto-Responders and other messages in Open Leads to be pulled immediately, later or automatically based upon a Work Flow that you’ve set up. Plus, use “Tokens” to personalize any message stored to each lead, example, you can say “Dear Bob,” just by using “Dear [First].” or “Dear Mr. Smith by using “Dear [Title] [First],”. Imagine the power of this feature!

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